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The child in me does not want to grow up

"It has always been toys,

         even if I was not aware of it"

Hello, my name is Itay, a painter, artist and designer.

I graduated industrial design at HIT - the Holon Institute of Technology.

I never learned to draw, maybe a little, in my studies at older age.

From an early age I used to draw cartoon characters from the TV.


Growing up the thing that intrigued me was, how do I make the 2D in to 3D?

And at the age of 20 when I had to decide what to study, I didn't know what to do because I didn't think you could live as an artist.

Then by chance, I met an old teacher of mine, who introduced me to the industrial design.

I read a little about the studies ... I was amazed!

Everything I loved! painting, drawing, sculpting, photography and most importantly - 3D modeling.


When school was over, I found myself as an industrial designer with many skills, who didn't know yet where is he going.

Very quickly I started to work as a designer at a Design Studio in a factory and after a year or so, that I didn't felt so satisfied, I decided that it's time to think about what I really want to do with my life.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the things that interest me the most in this life, are also the things that children interested in, like toys, stuffed animals and games.


It has always been toys, even if I was not aware of it. this is the 3D to my sketches, this is why every time I go to the mall, I stopped at the toy store... Just to look ;)


So the first project I took upon myself, was a children's book and I really enjoyed it. The process of writing and illustrating the book was amazing.

But at the same time that I've been working on the book, I came across something amazing also, called Vinyl Toys / Designer Toys and I knew that this must be my next project.

So of course that I fell in love with this concept and decided that this is what I want to do with my life.


Hello, my name is Itay and i'm a toy Designer ;)

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